
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Fast Moving April

Lots of things going on in April...

Beach Trip for Carter's birthday. 

Carter is always asking if it is time to go to the beach.  With my VERY busy summer work schedule, Ted and I thought we better get in a mini-vacation at Easter while we could.  We loaded the kids up Friday afternoon and headed to Myrtle Beach!!  Carter couldn't wait to get in the ocean.  Lily was very afraid of the ocean and wasn't happy when "bubba" was in the water.  She eventually warmed up to being on the beach, playing in the sand, and playing with her baby allowing bubba to enjoy the ocean and beach!

SOOO Excited!!

Lily learned how to "surf"

                         My BIRTHDAY boy!!! 5 years old, hard to believe!!

 We had a wonderful weekend!  Carter enjoyed his 5th birthday!!


Now, Xan had a "Talent Showcase" at her school this week.  She did absolutely AMAZING!!

We were all so very proud of her!  What amazing voice God has given her.  Enjoy the video!!!

Carter and Lily's preschool had a "Live Love" program this morning.  They raised money for a child that attends NTBC and has Cystic Fibrosis, $4,000!  Pretty amazing.  Here is just a few photos and videos from the play.  So proud of my big guy for having a special part!!!

 This is Carter's friend, Noah.  He is always talking about him.  We go to meet him this past Saturday at his party.  Very sweet boy.  I love the saying under the picture.  Love is having a best friend.  Isn't that true??

Well, that's been our April so far!  Pretty exciting stuff!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012


You know, new chapters in life has it's pros and cons.  Sometimes things are pros and the very next day they can be a con.  I noticed something this weekend about new chapters...

Embrace it! Here is my mother and father-in-law. They have just retired, looking forward to their next chapter together! Ted and I are always swept away with life. Work, kids, activities, sports, homework, projects, sick kids, chores, bills, get the point. That is the way our life always has been. But, as I sat there watching them dance, I was inspired by their love for each other all these years later!  I love every thing about my life, even the fast pace chaos that I live in. I admit though, I look forward to embracing the chapter where Ted and I can be adventurous together. Don't get me wrong, I love my children and being a mother but I also love being a wife. Wife comes after mother when you have young children...really just children though. So, here is to my mother and father-in-law.  They are such an inspiration to me and my children!  Enjoy your sailboat!  Embrace it.

Poppop showed Xan his dancing moves!

Fun weekend in Charleston! 

Me and my honey!

Glad Ted, Xan and Poppop completed the Bridge run and Andrew and his beautiful bridge had a great wedding.  It was a wonderful weekend in Charleston!

Retirement anyone?

After many years being on call, working long and crazy hours, hearing about all these health problems, and helping other back to good health, John (my father-in-law) has retired!  We are all very proud of the reputation he has created in Camden.  He is a such wonderful doctor.  Before my Grandfather passed away, John treated him.  When my papa was feeling really bad, he would never agrue with my mom and grandmother about going to Camden for Dr. DuBose to check him out.  My papa trusted him.  I think that is what being a great doctor is.  Having your patients trust you.

So, on to their next adventure in life.  We really are going to miss seeing them on the weekends but I know we will still make time for each other.  I am thrilled to have Xan spend a summer being adventous with her grandparents.  What an opporunity she will have.  I didn't get any pictures from the Retirement party.  I had the camera just wasn't sure if that was the place for pictures. 

With big and exciting news comes FAMILY! I did get a few shots of the grandkids. Maybe it will make for a great Christmas card again.


Not many pictures but enough to all these great grandkids!

Congrats again to PopPop!