
Friday, December 28, 2012

A blessing that you can hear!

I hope each of you had a wonderful Christmas. I will post pictures and tell you about our Christmas on the next post. I wanted to share Xan singing to us on Christmas! When I heard this song playing on my pandora station I knew Xan would sing it beautifully!


Monday, December 3, 2012


On Facebook people like to use November and write something they are thankful for everyday.  This year I thought I would participate.  It's nice to slow down and think of the things that really matter.  I think it is even better to go back and read them all over again.  Here is my 30 Days of November Thankfulness...

Day 1: I am thankful I have a God who loves me -regardless! Keeps his Promises, carries me through, rains blessings on my life and gave me salvation!

Day 2: I am thankful for my husband! 6 wonderful years as his wife...things only get better and better each year. He's my glue!

Day 3: I'm thankful for my children! God trusted me to be a mother to 5 children! May not of birthed all 5 but count them all as my own! Thankful to be called mom!

Day 4: I'm thankful for my mother!! She constantly amazes me. Always willing to help, everyone else's strength, biggest heart for her family! Not only I'm I blessed to call her mom but my best friend! Thank you Lord for Malynda!!!
Day 5: I am thankful for my brother! Through the years he was the one and only man in my life that I knew would be there for me. Sometimes too protective but he was always looking out for me. He would sacrifice for me to have! I love hearing his truck pull on my road! There is always a smile on my face when he comes around. I am so proud of who he has become! I cherish our relationship we have and love him dearly!!!

Day 6: I'm thankful for the freedom to vote!

Day 7: I'm thankful for the few friends I still have! That we can pick up right where we left off after much time in between! Quantity doesn't matter in my friendship but the quality does! Thankful for the support, love and girl talk!

Day 8: I am thankful for mine and my families health! This is one of the things I tend to take for granted that is really important!

Day 9: I'm thankful for my awesome amazing Job!! Never thought I would be employed by USC but God led me there. His choice was perfect for me!

Day 10: I'm very thankful for my inlaws!! I have a wonderful relationship with my mother in law! Thankful for our visits.

Day 11: Thankful for inspirational music!  Love WMHK!

Day 12: I am thankful for unanswered prayers!

Day 13: I am thankful for veterans past, present and future who serve to protect this country!

Day 14: I'm thankful for my gym membership!! Enjoy working out and feeling good...inside a building!

Day 15: today I'm thankful for my X wife, lol. Kim! I'm thankful for the friendship we have. Look forward to making more memories together with our families
Day 16: I'm thankful for prayer! Nothing like talking to God and finding comfort in his word!

Day 17: I'm thankful that even though it was just a short part of my life, I'm glad Lewis was my step dad for 15 years. He has some pretty rotten ways but I have lots of father daughter memories because of him. Holding grudges never help...being thankful for the good times does.

Day 18: thankful for church!! God moved us so my kids could be more active. Today Carter said, mom know what? God is always with us? Cool huh?! So blessed that my children know God at a young age!!

Day 19: I'm thankful for my 89 year old grandmother! God has blessed her to see her grandchildren and great grandchildren! Even with lung cancer, radiation treatment, she is still going strong!! Blessed to still have her!

Day 20: I am thankful for my house! Warm, running water, comfy beds, and a place to make memories with my family.

Day 21: Thankful that God loved me first, that he loves me even when I'm unlovable and loves me unconditionally!

Day 22: I'm thankful to be able to see ALL my family today! It gets harder and harder to pull everyone together at one time as we grow but we make it work on both sides of my family! Extremely blessed to gather with family today! Looking forward to the great food, laughter and hugs! Happy thanksgiving. I pray you are surrounded by family and friends today as well!

Day 23: Thankful to start celebrating the birth of our King! I sure do love Jesus' birthday. A great time of year- to give to make others smile!

Day 24: I am thankful for the relationship I now have with my father.  Rocky road as many know but glad we have a relationship.

Day 25: I am thankful for my grandfather, papa!  Any time I think of my childhood, I think of so many memories my papa created with me.  His love for me was always unconditional.  He always knew I would climb on his lap and be protective of him.  He loved it!  He was always smiling at me.  I miss him so much.  Thankful for the years we had together.

Day 26: Thankful for my husband’s newest adventure with BrianTrust Tech.  I have to put my trust in the Lord that he is leading him right with Ted needs to be.

Day 27: Thankful for my 3 sweet step daughters.  I love watching them get excited to see Carter and Lily. They have such big hearts. I am thankful I was chosen to be apart of their lives.

Day 28: Thankful for photos!  As many of you know, I have always loved pictures. I love capturing the moments and looking back on them.  Thank you George Eastman for creating the Kodak Camera.
Day 29: Thankful for my children’s cousins.  (Or my nieces and nephews!)  They enjoy playing and creating memories with each of them.  I know growing up I loved being with my cousin, especially Heather.  We could giggle for hours. 
Day 30: Thankful for the love my children share of each other.  Carter was asked by his teacher this month what he was thankful for and he said his sister!  He then corrected the teacher and said sisterS!  I love watching Carter take care of Lily and Lily love on her brother.  
Lots to be thankful for!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!

I love this time of the year!!! I think most people do. Something about all the wonderful traditions, lights, giving, food, family time...all the many things that make me look forward to December.

I love the Magic of Christmas but I battle with making sure my children know the real reason for the season. Santa sent Carter and Lily a wonderful gift this week. A letter and an elf. The letter was perfect. Santa talked about how he knows Jesus. How he knows Jesus' grace. He knows we aren't perfect and loves us anyway. Santa sent Henry the Elf to leave with us in December and ask that we help teach Henry about God's grace. Carter loved receiving a package from Santa. I loved watching him!

Our tree is up, presents are purchased, wrapped and under the tree. This Christmas season I plan on doing lots of fun memory making activities with my kids. Did I mention my amazing job gives me 2 weeks off in December!! Yes, I'm aware how blessed I am!

Merry Christmas family and friends. Remember to slow down this season, take a deep breathe and look around! We tend to rush through our days to hurry to the next project we let all the little things slip us by. Sit and enjoy the lights on your tree, read the story of Jesus' birth, bake something you haven't baked in a while...just enjoy the season!!

My favorite sign I saw on Pinterest said "Wise men still seek Him!" I know I do!!

Tigers or chicken??

Well, as many of you know...we are a house divided. 6 years ago I decided to be a clemson fan. Thought to myself, we'll, I don't mind either team so ill stick by my husband and wear orange on game day. Little did I know my son would chose to be a gamecock from the time he was old enough to understand. Ted couldn't understand. Only boy...pulling against his favorite team. After getting the most amazing perfect job I haven't been able to resist wearing garnet myself. I mean really, garnet is a much better choice to wear then orange. I'm sure you can agree with that, right! So here we are...divided. I am curious to see what side Lily will choose once she can understand. Right now we have Xan, Claudia, Harriet and Ted loving Clemson and me, Carter and Lily loving USC!

The girls went to the game...with the diehard gamecock Felder family. All left the house proudly wearing ORANGE!

Ted didn't take the lose as bad as I thought he would. He didn't finish watching and Carter didn't rub it in too much. We just hold up 4 fingers when walking around the house sometime. ;)

Until next year........


Hard to believe we will be saying 2013 soon!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I think I could say it was one of my favorites! Ted and Carter went hunting which was unsuccessful but I love them hanging out and bonding. carter has really started enjoying hunting. He ask Ted if they can go any time he can.

Lunch was perfect at John and Harriet's. Carter, Lily and Dessie played hard while we grown ups mingled around the amazing appetizers!

Dinner at moms was great too! All my family was there. We have grown to about 25! How blessed we are. My favorite thing at Thanksgiving is going around the room and letting each person say what they are thankful for. I'm thankful to know each of my family members know Jesus and invited Jesus to be in their hearts (and life!). What a wonderful feeling to know that I will get to be with my love ones when God calls us home. This is only our temporary home after all.

Here's the only pictures I took all day. Glad I got these!!

Hope your thanksgiving was filled with family, love, smiles, tender hearts, and laughter. I know mine was.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Fun Saturday!!

Today we went to the Tree Farm!! We couldn't asked for better weather. All our kids, Haha, Poppop, and Dessie! We grilled burgers, munched on blonde brownies, took a (small) hikes with the kids, and killed the golf cart. 😉 Sounds like a successful day to me!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Fun times! Halloween!

My Goodness---It has been a long time since I have had the time to update my blog.  Life is great just moving in the fast lane.

Had my first teacher conference yesterday with Carter's kindergarten teacher, Ms. Cobia.  She said he was the sweetest kid and she couldn't say a bad thing about him.  Proud momma!  He knows all of his letters and sounds so now we are working on READING!!!  His favorite thing in school right now (besides recess) is math.  He is so proud of himself.  He loving asking people to ask him how much 8+3 is or something.  I pray his love for school continues.

The preschool teachers all call Lily "Miss Diva".  They say she is always dressed, hair fixed and she is singing and performing in the class all the time.  She loves being in the spotlight.  I love her confidence and fun personality.  She is such a delight!

The girls are all doing great!  Basketball is getting ready to start for Claudia and Harriet.  They both enjoyed cheering (Claudia) and volleyball (Harriet) but time for the next sport.  Xan competed in the RCPL Teen Idol last night.  She did amazing.  Absolutely amazing.  I had chills the entire time she was singing.  I'll post a video soon!  (Again, the video isn't great but the audio is!)

We had an amazing Halloween this year.  I think it has turned in to one of my favorite holidays.  It is just fun!  I knew this would be my last year to pick Lily's costume so I searched and searched for the perfect one.  Found the idea on PINTEREST!  With the help of my amazing mother, we made the perfect clown costume for Lily!  She enjoyed "being funny"!  Carter started thinking about being a power ranger again---would only be the 3rd year of a power ranger.  Luckily, we found a cool Ninja costume.  He was the toughest ninja I've ever seen.


This weekend we get to celebrate my cousin, Andrew and his bride Brittney and Kim and Johnny as they get to stand before God and say their vows to each other.  I am so blessed that my family continues to grow!  I look forward to all the memories we will make as family!

Especially thankful that we are invited to the FELDER wedding.  It isn't every day that the X-husband and wife are invited but we are family!  God has blessed us with each other and we include each other like any other family member.  Odd are not---we are the core that holds the "Girls" together.  Kim and I have become very close over the last 6 years---I wish her nothing but happiness and love!  Best wishes Kim and Congratulations Johnny!  Pictures to come...

Monday, September 10, 2012

Life in the fast lane!

Can you believe we have made it through 3 weeks of our new schedule?  It was a little rough getting adjusted to but we are moving right along.

By Friday's, Carter starts asking if he has to go to school.  Being at school by 7:20am instead of 9am is a big difference (for us all!)  Overall, he really loves school.  One week, he was one of two students in the class to visit the treasure box twice for being so good.  He has already received a "Braves Bill" at his school.  Students get "Braves Bills" for doing something they were told without being asked.  There is a shop he will get to go spend the money in. I look foward to watching him grow and learn things this school year.

Claudia tried out for the Crayton Middle School cheerleading team and made it!!! We are very excited.
Claudia has been working hard on her splits!

 Claudia's first game as a cheerleader!!!

Another "Pinterest" wreath I've made!

Sibling Love!

Proud Gamecock!!

A little rivalry in the house is always fun!

My big girl working with Mawmaw this summer!

Ms. Lily found Claudia's mascara!  Carter found me in the kitchen and said, "Momma, you need to see Lily"  When she walked up to me all I could do was laugh! She looked just like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle!  She was so proud of herself.  A very nice laugh for all of us.
Harriet is loving volleyball!  Xan is loving driving.  I'm off to CLEMSON with my job for the next 3 days!  Life is great...moving along!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Where has the time gone!?!

My boss kept telling me that our summer was our busiest time...I had no idea.  We train teachers and when is the best time to train a teacher?  In the SUMMER!  205 teachers were trained here at USC, College of Engineering and Computing this summer.  Busy Busy! Even though it was a very busy time for me, I still love my job.  (Maybe even more:) 

Here are some things that has happen over the last few months:

Carter "graduated" from preschool:

Noah and Carter, his best friend!

Carter and Ms. Bruce

Big day for my little man!
Then, skip over the summer...
1st day of school!!!!

Oldest girl and only boy!

Our "Elementary" school kids.  Too bad it is different schools. :(


EARLY!!!  6:55am
Our only "Middle Schooler" Sweet Claudia

Walking Bubba to school on the first day!

Hard to believe, 5 kids in 5 schools!!!  Lily's preschool doesn't start until this Thursday so picture of her 1st day in the 2 year old class to come.
This past weekend Xan got her restricted license.  She is now able to drive alone until 6pm everyday!
Hard to believe we only have 3 more years with her before college!
We are all back in our routines. Starting Lily in Dance in December.  Carter is playing fall ball, coaches pitch.  Harriet has decided to play Volleyball this fall.  Practicing 2 nights a week and games once a week.  Claudia is trying out for the JV AC Flora Cheerleading team---tomorrow.  Xan has a difficult schedule this year.  She is taking a Physics and Chemistry, Pre Cal, English, History, Spanish III and her vocal production class!  AND--I'm taking 2 classes online. American History and Philosophy.  Busy household but thankful for all our blessing. 
I'm going to try my hardest to update my blog more recently.  Can't make any promises with the schedule above.