
Monday, March 12, 2012

What a great weekend we had!  I love this weather...not too cold, not too hot! 

Carter and Harriet won their soccer games!  Harriet scored a goal!!

Claudia is really enjoying her "Hoopology" basketball program.  She always comes out sweaty and red-faced.  I know they are working her hard and can't wait to see how it will pay off during basketball season!

Xan's "High School Musical" play is this coming weekend.  She has had rehearsal every Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Thursday night.  I'm looking forward to seeing the play this weekend!  Pictures to come...

We took the kids to Sesquicentennial State Park yesterday.  What an amazing place so close to home. We plan on getting a membership and enjoying this beautiful place.  Next time, I will come more prepared.  We thought we were going to go check things out, see if Ted wanted this to be his new "running spot" and see what they had to do.  After an hour and a half hike with a 2 and almost 5 year old, we needed a few things.  Drinks, snacks, blanket to rest and soak up some Vitamin D, etc.  Overall, I was very proud of how tough they were.

Before leaving we had to rent a paddle boat, kick off the socks and shoes and feel the cold water.  The kids didn't want to leave. 

These are the days I get overwhelmed with seeing how much God has blessed me.  He gave me a Godly man to share my life with, amazing children that are healthy and happy, and choose me to be their mother.  I can't wait to take the girls here and watch them enjoy the paddle boats.  I see lots of giggles and smiles from the next adventure.

Here is a glimpse of our day...

 I thought this was kind of neat.  Holes are from a Yellow bellied sapsucker.

Miss Lily wanted to collect sticks as we walked.  She learned quickly, too many sticks to pick up!

Carter thought he was going to collect the sticks for a perfect fire at home.

She loves her daddy!

My BIG boy! 

My honey ;)

Sweet Lily!

Thank goodness for these!  Although, I have to admit, I wish they had the distance on them.

Paddle boat time!

Water time...

She knew just what to do!

This is 2 of the things that complete my life! I pray they stay sweet and considerate of each other.  Nothing like a brother/sister love!

Until next time...