
Monday, October 14, 2013

A new chapter

October is a big month for me.  My birthday and anniversary.  Only 4 days apart.  This year, things were even bigger. New chapter for me.  I left the 20's (finally!).  the BIG 3-0!  I was very excited.  I know many friends that were not excited for this birthday but I must admit that I love where I am in life.  I'm happily married, beautiful healthy children, great career.  Great friends and family to share my ride with!  I feel like the 20's had a lot of big life changes and now in my 30's I will get to enjoy all of them.  I'm settled and happy.

Wednesday my director informed me he was promoting me to Affiliate Director.  This is  HUGE to me.  Since I started here in August 2011, I knew from the first month that this was the perfect job for me.  I love the environment, I love my co-workers, and more importantly, I love what I do.  I love seeing how Project Lead the Way can make a teenager excited.  Give them insight on what to do with their life at an early age.  I feel that this job also has a meaning, which is important to me.  It has opened my eyes to different jobs and career paths that I wasn't really aware of.  I am now the South Carolina PLTW Affiliate Director for the Biomedical Sciences. 

I celebrated my birthday with my family Wednesday night.  Gifts, cake, and bingo!  Thought it was over...

Only to find out my mom and best friend, with Ted's help, had planned a surprise party for me!  I thought we were meeting my mom for dinner Saturday night.  Little did I know that 40 people were filling a room to help celebrate my birthday!  Pretty exciting.  I came in the wrong door (I'm too bossy and told Ted wrong door, someone is having a party in there! :)  Once my kids all made it to the front of the group, my eyes filled with tears.  I couldn't believe they pulled it off.  As I looked around the room, I was overwhelmed with the joy and love.  I couldn't believe it.  I made my way around the room and thanked each person for coming.

Sometimes, I pinch myself.  I don't get why sometimes I am so blessed?  It truly rains blessing on me.  And, here I am, proudly 30 being surprised by so many people that I love and cherish!  Taking the time from their schedule to celebrate with me. 

I appreciate each one of your for attending my "surprise" party! Family and friends, friend of mine, friend of my husband, or even a friend of my mom, thank you!  You are all friends to me.  Some I have known for 20+ years and some only maybe just a few but it was overwhelming to realize how many people can care and love for me!

This year, I wanted to celebrate my mom on my birthday. I wanted to make her smile, I wanted to give her something.  She is always so selfless when it comes to me and my family.  And let's be honest, without her there would be no me.  I sent her flowers on my birthday...if only I knew what she was planning!  Thank you mom for being my best role model.  Thank you for always loving me and supporting me.  I cherish our relationship and love you very much.  This is your year as well!  Enjoy it.

I look forward to this year and what this chapter has to hold for my life. I plan on embracing this chapter.  It's my chapter.  God has written it but I will fulfill it!

Thank you dear family and friends for making a difference in my life!  Thank you for making me smile!  To 30...

The Surprise

Krystal and Vicki

 Every party needs a cake!
My College group! Joey, Jesse, Lauren and Xan

My 2nd mom, Donna
                       Casi, my first friend, Me, and                              My sweet momma!
                            Vicki, my best friend.     

A true celebration!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

A first...

Hard to believe my youngest child had her first dance recital Saturday!! We both loved everything about it. Lily isn't shy. I always say she belongs on stage. She didn't mind me dropping her off back stage, going on stage to perform or taking 3 million pictures after her performance. The recital overall was very entertaining (and short)! She only took ballet this year. I hope for her to take tap and ballet next year. I started with tap at 3 years old and still have a love for tap. Maybe a momma and me class! ;)

Her video:

Monday, April 22, 2013

My boy is six!

It's amazing how I often think time is crawling and then a kid has a birthday and I realize, time is flying! Can you believe I have a 6 year old? Sweetest, easiest, loving, talented, smart...ok ok you get the picture, amazing boy. Six years ago I was celebrating Easter, barely able to breathe and completely clueless how my world was going to change the next day. 5am came early. I remember still trying to debate with Ted on his name on the way to the hospital. 12 longs hour in labor. My nurses said they wouldn't leave me until they met him. 7:01pm Carter arrived. It was rough on both of us but It was worth every second and every pain.

Carter is such a joy to me and anyone he is around. I'm so happy to be his momma and can't wait to see what plans God has for his life. Being the only boy with 4 sisters I pray he has a sweet and sensitive side for his one day wife as well as having a stern back bone for sticking to his morals!

Carter had a wonderful 6th birthday party. First party where I invited ALL of his classmates. Yes all 28 plus his 2 teachers. 20 kids came, about 10 parents stuck around and 17 family and friends. Thank goodness for my large amazing back yard. With Carter's love for hunting it only seem fitting to have a hunting/camo party. Most kids(boys) were in camo and ready to hunt. Hunting license were available, target practice and of course a deer and boar. Boys will be boys and eventually they were shooting each other with the nerf bow and guns. Overall, Carter said it was a "totally awesome" party. Happy momma. Taking a break until the 8th birthday now...

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Catching my Breath...not really!

Things are in full force here at the DuBose house. Spring is always very busy with my job. Lots of traveling and planning for over 300 teachers to be trained this load...and kids! (Including my hubby ;).

But onto what's going on with the kids-

Xan performed in Hairspray as Penny. She did amazing. I'm so proud of her confidence on stage and we all know how talented she is. (Not the best video but you can hear her!)

Carter is playing coaches pitch this season. He is loving it. Ted and Carter practice for an hour every evening which I love. I love to see them bonding. He has a great arm and getting good a catching.

Lily is learning her dance number for her recital. Very curious to see 3 years on stage dancing. I also, finally!, had Lily's 3 year old pictures taken. So in love with how they turned out!!!

Claudia is one step away from getting her back hand spring!! She can finally do it beautifully on the trampoline. Now, working on strength and confidence to do it on any ground! AC Flora High school cheerleading try outs start on April 15th!

Harriet is on Claudia's heels with her back hand spring!! She has the form just needs the confidence to pull it off by herself.

Easter was absolutely perfect! Fun filled Saturday with our DuBose gang in Camden. I'm in love with little HG! He is absolutely perfect. Sunday included church with Haha and Poppop, then to Pudn's for the last big egg hunt and ended our day with all my family at my moms. Special treat this year---girls got to be with us all day!!

So, nothing has change. Life is still in the fast lane here but no complaints. Lots of family time, lots of blessings!